No Day But Today
Wow, I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post! Life has been crazy busy since then-I had four term papers due in a week and then lots of stressful finals in addition to packing up my room and finding somewhere to keep all my stuff for a week before moving in to my new house.
Thankfully, that is now all over and I am writing this post from my new room! Four of my friends and I are sharing a house for the next year, embarking on the poor student living adventure. Just this morning I had a breakfast cupcake as it was my only option, but hopefully we'll be able to get some grocery shopping done soon. My room is a mess right now but I decided writing a blog post would be more entertaining than unpacking.
The last five days have been a whirlwind of travel and visiting people. My friend Katie and I took off after her last exam on the 25th at 8 pm and drove 17 hours to Rochester NY to see the Broadway tour of RENT. Our parents were quite convinced we were going to die, but the drive was surprisingly easy. We each took 4 hour driving shifts and managed to stay awake the whole time. Both of us have a tendency to speed (I know, bad habit, but driving on a straight highway at night with no traffic makes it easy to forget how fast you're going) so we managed to cut off quite a bit of our travel time. Also, what up New York Thruway with your million police cars and equal amount of toll- I think we paid over $20 in New York alone. But it was all worth it to get to our final destination...
After the show we were hoping to get to the stage door to hopefully meet the cast and get some things signed, but they ended up doing a fundraiser after the show (where Anthony Rapp auctioned off and took off his pants on stage!) so unfortunately we didn't get to do that, but I DID meet one of my favourite ensemble members, Telly Leung.
After three days at home, it was time to come back to Halifax, sadly. I got to meet up with lots of friends while at home though, and I will hopefully be back for a couple weeks at some point in the summer. Now it's time to find a summer job, unpack, set up my room and enjoy time with friends before school starts up's to a relaxing and adventure-filled summer!