Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Bobcaygeon Here We Come!

What a tiring-but fun- two days Petey and I have had!

I woke up very excited on Monday morning. Petey and I would be spending the next day and a half with Sam, Patience and Amigo and AmyG and Zoom up at AmyB and Polaris's cottage! Before that though, I would have to travel to Oakville by myself, which I had never done before. Luckily, we made it there alive! (And without accidents, thank goodness, because as soon as I left the house, I realized I had forgotten to pack bags and paper towels in case Petey had any acidents). Here is Petey waiting for our GO train to arrive:

When we got to Oakville, Sam and the pups were there waiting for us, and we commenced the three hour drive up to Bobcaygeon. What would have been an otherwise beyond boring trip was really fun- Sam driving and me navigating- I am proud to say we did not get lost once! Apparently, separately we are both crappy navigators, but together we make one good one! The time was spent just randomly talking and making a game out of finding puppy names from shops, trucks that passed by, road names, that sort of thing. And I must say, Waverley, Oasis and Bennett are now some of my favourite puppy names. The only mishap that occured during the entire three hours was Amigo sticking his head between me and Sam, gagging, and then throwing up bubbly bile on my seat, two inches from my leg. Sam, who HATES vomit, yelled at me for describing it to her while she was pulling over to clean it up. =D

It was so exciting to finally get to Amy's cottage! As we drove through Bobcaygeon, we listened to the song "Bobcaygeon" by the Tragically Hip. (For the record Sam and Amys, it does too have the word constipation in it). I believe we screamed a little bit when we saw the balloons! Amy arrived a bit later, and it was very exciting to meet Zoom for the first time. He is soooooooooo cute and still all fluffy and chubby! It started rounds of "Oh my God I need a puppy!" among us three with the eight/nine month old puppies.

That night we talked until five in the morning, and woke up at like 11:30, but I actually woke up at 9 to let Petey out for a pee. Lynn with Zephyr and Naveed, Joanne with Maggie and Brooke and Huib with Cessna and Aspen came over for a BBQ lunch, and it was lots of fun. Petey had a lot of fun getting very dirty, since he liked eating mud. The first day his recall was kinda bad, but the second day I was pretty proud of him, he came quickly most of the time.

Unfortunately, I had to leave early because my parents didn't want me to miss a day of practising piano since my exam is on Tuesday. The ride back was fun though, because Sam drove me home since she had to leave early too, for work. The dogs passed out in the back right away from the two days of non-stop play we had.

It was so much fun, lots of laughing, talking, joking, and just chilling. A VERY big thanks to AmyB for having us over for an awesome trip, Sam for going way out of your way to save me subway time, and umm...AmyG for your...Silent Rhino Alarm that kept us safe at night.

*Argh, Blogger is really making me mad, I can't post any more pictures, but I'll do another post soon with lots of pics*


Blogger *~Amy~* said...

OK so you somehow managed to load the "puke" picture, but not any good ones of all the puppies. Wow blogger really IS messed up. Keep trying Nat, since I didn't have a camera I'm relying on all of you guys to show me adorable pictures!

Buhbye, Amy & Polaris

12:17 p.m.

Blogger 8675309 said...

Sounds like a great trip! Well, y'know...except for the barf.

9:19 a.m.


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