Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Eatons Centre Trip...Third Time Around

You know what I realized this morning? The first time I joined this group on a puppy trip, it was to the Eaton's Centre and I had no puppies....the second time I had one puppy (Petey)...and this time, I have TWO puppies! We'll see how long this trend continues til my parents kill me :P

Anyways, so I awoke at the ungodly hour of 8:30 today to meet everyone at the subway station- AimsG and Zooooooom, AimsB and Clifford and Larry, Sam and Patty, Missy and Tetley and Maggie, LynnG, LynnT, Dee and Whim, Wendy and Zulu and Zodiak, Tina and her kids with Fairy (Fielder's sister), and bunch of other people.

At the mall I had yummy nuggets!!...and fries...and ice cream..and then a Harvey's burger. Oh my god, I'm a pig. But at least it wasn't all at the same time!!! And I also managed to get some toys for my Christmas Basket kid, so it's all good.

(L) 2 beautiful chocolates Tetley and Patience-(R) Zoooomy

(L)Cliff, Patty, Zoom, Petey, Patty, Poley- (R) Sorry AmyB you have no head

(L) Missy and Poley- (R) Biggest and smallest dogs sizewise- Fielder and Quadry

(L) Nice try- we cna still see you Sam!!!!-(R) umm...okay, dunno what we're doing

(L) ha...ha...-(R)there are no words for how demented we really are


Blogger thepuppyraiser said...

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6:31 p.m.

Blogger Mickelle said...

AWW! Nice Pic Sam BTW :) I wish I could have come! Marcella wants to come-- do you think you could do it again next weekend?

4:18 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all. Maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to attend the next puppy outing............and not need to hold the leash of someone else's puppy. ;-))

6:48 p.m.

Blogger Erin said...

Hey Petey and Fielder!
You've been Christmas tagged!!
Visit my blog for more info!

6:15 p.m.


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