Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Friday, September 29, 2006

SSD Keelin and Fielder

First off, a big CONGRATS to David and Nancy for doing a great job raising Keelin, who is now a graduated SSD as of last night. She is now paired with a 14 year old boy named Steve from Calgary, Alberta.

David asked me to post a picture of Keelin for all of you to enjoy, so here it is:

Yay Keelin!

Next, here are some pictures of Fielder that Sam took tonight....she is going to KILL me for the first one, but it is all worth it.

*Look hard for Fielder in this one...at first Lisa couldn't see him and was all "What? Since when was Patience Fielder? haha!

So I've heard from his littermate Fawn's mom...my friend Kelsey that Fawn is doing pretty well...Fielder, from what Sam and Kelsey tell me, moves fast and cries a lot...and loudly. Bit nervous, especially cause I have to work hard this week- a quiz every single day. But I'm really looking forward to his coming home! =) It's definitely time to shake things up a bit!!!!

p.s. Thanks Patience and Baloo, Diva, and Noel for helping to look after Fielder for me!


Blogger Ayme, Polaris and Aspen said...

Aw! What a cute baby! I can't wait to see him tomorrow!!!!

Ha ha! I thought that last picture was just of Patty:P lol

Aimez and Zoomy

7:51 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, first off, I second that BIG congratulations to Keelin and Steven, and all the wonderful people who have helped this team come together.

Patty and I and the others are enjoying our day with Fielder. Nat should have posted the first picture of him that I sent her though, it was funny. HE HE HE!

And Nat, you know I did offer to keep him. No complaining next week!

Sam (the ugly one in the pic) and Fielder (asleep and quiet) ... and the rest of the zoo

8:12 p.m.

Blogger Jake and Joanna said...

AWW!!! He's SOO tiny!!! He makes chandler man seem all big!!! :) I'm very very excited for more pictures!!!

8:23 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..no wait..AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!
That's better. HE's SOOO CUTE!!!

Have fun potty training

11:55 a.m.


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