Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm Alive! (and so are you!!)

Yesterday, I had my first driving lesson. It was my first time driving ever even though I got my G1 in December. What can I say? I'm lazy, didn't want to learn from my parents, and didn't particularly want my 5' self driving our ginormous SUV. (Well, it's not that big, but still).

I would call it a success. I mean, I got the hang of actually driving straight (for a while my instructor was hanging onto the bottom of the steering wheel cause I kept drifting to the right apparently), I didn't cause any accidents, I didn't kill anything or anyone (including the really cute black and white cat that decided to run across the road in front of me, or the stupid (but still cute) birds that kept hopping around in front of the car, or any of you guys). In short, I didn't end up on the 6 o'clock news.

Since I don't have any Torontonian readers (that I know of), you guys are pretty much safe from my erratic driving. I promise to inform you if I will be visiting any of your cities while I'm behind the wheel to give you adequate time to lock yourself and your loved ones inside your house and reinforce your house, gates and windows with steel. Lots and lots of steel.


Blogger 8675309 said...

Congratulations! You'll be Queen of the Road in no time!

8:04 p.m.

Blogger M-Fax said...

well I have a lot of friends there, I will give them a heads up haha

5:35 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a Torontonian and a new reader. Enjoying what I've seen of your blog thus far. Keep up the entertaining stories.

12:45 p.m.


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