Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Fielder's Last Day of School

Today was Fielder's last day at school with me- I'm not going to bring him into exams because it gets really brutal in my school around that time since we have no air con....ugh. Anyways, since today was his last day, I was a tad more lenient with people petting him, especially the teachers who were nice enough to welcome him into class this year. He even got a little bone last period as a celebration :)

Chilling at lunch

It's been fun bringing Fielder in- he used to be really squirmy and a huge pain in the butt, but has gotten better- he's still a total monster sometimes, but he has definitely improved in that he'll sit still most of the time now. As my friend Lori said, "The best geo classes are when Fielder's there" which is of course, way funner than actually having to watch a documentary on boring British people talking about climate change. Ew.
Hanging around in the music room

Well Fielder, it's been a slice (haha isn't that the funniest phrase ever?)....thanks for brightening up my day everytime you come to school with me


Blogger Jake and Joanna said...

LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS!!!!!!!!!!! Bring him out here when you come! Slip him in your purse, he's small enough! :)

7:58 a.m.

Blogger Lisa and pups said...

WOW - he's so small - I didn't realize he was so young. Love the pics. Glad your school was so nice about letting him come in.

7:30 p.m.

Blogger Erin said...

I LOVE THE LAST PIC!!!!!! kisses to Fielder!!!
Thank you fielder for not making me the only PR with a squirmey puppy in class!! this year anyways!!!!


11:37 p.m.


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