Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

February 25, 2006 -3 months, 10 days old

Petey gets his head stuck in the top of my garbage can...
And clearly, instead of getting it off i have to take a picture....


Blogger Ayme, Polaris and Aspen said...

Aww.. that's adorable! <33

1:56 p.m.

Blogger Emily said...

How cute! Well, my name is Cordova. I am a Guide Dog in training. I was wondering if I could link to your page?

4:01 p.m.

Blogger Mickelle said...

Hehe... the best part is he looks so proud of himself!!!
I did that once... got the camera before the scolding. One time Vinnie jumped up and get a whole bunch of banannas in his mouth... it's quite a funny picture I will have to see if I can find it!

7:33 a.m.


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