Oshawa: Where Only Creepy Old Men Shop
Since Fielder looked like this today:
Missy had to stop by another store first though, and left me in the car with the two dogs (which would explain the weird looks people parked next to us gave me), so of course I took about a billion pics.
Maggie and Tetley- in the second pic I combined their faces!!
When the Amys finally showed up, we walked around the mall, ate lunch, and ran away from scary old men.
And I would like to add that I don't appreciate everyone making fun of me for looking like a midget with a big dog like Zoom instead of a small dog like Petey/Fielder. And Maggie does NOT weigh more than me!!!!! Shut up!!!!!
Tetley, Maggie and Fielder playing in my backyard.
Fielder in his new collar! It matches Patty's, Polaris', Junie's and Yukon's!
eww.. creep picture of maggie/tetley.. you sicken me...
you did actually look SO weird with a HUDGEN dog.. =P
5:27 p.m.
how does if feel to have a big dog??
4:53 p.m.
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