Welcome to Puppies and Life! This blog is about my life as a teenage puppy raiser...enjoy!

Friday, April 27, 2007

I's ees a vicious poopy


Saturday, April 21, 2007

Another Eaton's Centre Trip

Same old trip, but it was fun as usual. Many many dogs came, can't even remember them all, but of course our favourites were Jive and Zoom. There were also many new pups, including Ola, Lynn's new pup, and Grace and Noel, sister to Yukon and Ribbon. There was even a new jack russell, Bogey, one of three recently donated. Seeing him made me think back to Petey's first Eaton's trip, and miss him a LOT. I am going to have to stalk down his new family.

Ola- cutie!!

HIghlights of the day: Seeing Fielder's other sister Fairy, they love each other a LOT and had a fun time wrestling after the working part of the day. Also, Fielder humping Amy's arm? Priceless.

Left- Fairy, right- Fielder

Line of the day: We were following Paula back to Union Station and Lynn goes "Oh my god, we're following the blind woman" hahahaha

Aims waiting with Zoomer and Fields while I got ice cream :P

Too cute- Kyara head shot


Friday, April 20, 2007

Fielderoo and Jivebunny <3

It's official....Fielder has a new girlfriend! He could NOT stop humping her, he loved her so much!! ;)

Today we had a PA day, and it so happened that Lisa was in town for a conference, so we slept in til 11:30, then went downtown to meet her and Jive at the hotel. The normally one hour subway ride down only took half an hour so to kill time we hung around Nathan Philip Square (City Hall), and tried to ignore a crazy woman who tried to talk to us and then muttered to herself. Also, a man asked us if the dogs were put down when retired!! That was a first, and also a very horrible thought.

Then it turned out Lisa had a thingy to go to so I had fun hanging out in her room watching tv and bouncing around on the king size bed (note to self: must get myself one of those bad boys;) ) while Fielder and Jive had a humpin' good time playing with Jiver's toys. When Lisa came back, we walked around the Eaton's Centre for a while and then went back to the hotel so the pups could play again. They had lots and lots of fun and so did I :)

View from room- to the left, City Hall, to the right, Old City Hall

Hi Juneau!

I'm never leaving here. (the pet-friendly Sheraton provided this hudgen dog pillow for Jive)

Dead tired!!Fielder would like to send Jo lots of kissies and wishes Dash the best of luck :) (I know he looks like he's on drugs but he's really not!)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Reason #28570 to Love Fielder

I left for ten minutes to drive my sister to Girl Guides- come back home and Fielder is so wiggly and kissy it's like I've been gone for years.

And then he went and started licking the wall.....tres cute and just a tad disturbing.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Good Luck Patty!

We would like to wish our goddaughter/sister Patricia 'Patience' Hobbes the best of luck as she heads into school today... show 'em what you got Patty! We don't call you the Patienator for nothing! ;) <3>

Patty and Amigo-on our way home from Bobcaygeon

Queen of Belly Rubs

We're not actually on a couch

Thanks for taking care of Fielder, Patty :)

p.s. We would like to direct you over to Sam's third puppy Dallas' new blog!! We believe you will find some quite exciting news over there :)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Open House

Today was our school's spring Open House. It was lots of fun- many of our friends were there, including (obvs) Amy and Zoomers, Dee and Whim, Lisa and JiveBunny, LynnT and Miller, Della and Maisie, LynnG and Naveed, Kelsey and Fawn, Missy and Tetley and Yukon, Wendy and Zulu, Paula and Jessie (CVC) and I'm sure I've forgot someone :P

The two best parts of the Open House was seeing Fielder's sister Fawn again- she's soooooo tiny, it's hard to believe they're siblings. But weirdly enough, their other sister Fairy (who wasn't there as she was in heat-a mini poodle in heat? what size underpants is that???) is bigger than Fielder. So we call them Steroids Fairy and Anorexic Fawn. The second best part was that coincidentally, Crispy, Amy's first puppy showed up at Open House- she's now a working HED (hearing ear dog). And even though I only met Crispers once, it was so emotional seeing her and Amy and the client together- I think that really helped me to see the "big picture". After they left, we were standing together in a corner of the silent auction place and Amy was crying and I was all teary and then Amy turns to me, and I expected her to say something poignant, and she goes- "Ew I feel like such a freak!" hahaha <3

August 2005 -- April 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007


One stair?? Too....much.....can't...breathe...
That's what happens when you're all of 15 pounds!

(Just kidding, my mom told him to sit in the middle of his walking down the stairs :P)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter!

Highlight of the day: Sitting in church when my nose starts running. Of course I have no tissues, not even any Fielder clean-up paper towels on me. Which is great cause every other time I don't need it, I have random treats, paper towels or poobags floating around somewhere. And of course, nobody has tissues I can use. So I sit there and then it suddenly goes away and my nose is back to being stuffy. An Easter miracle.

After that fun hour, Fielder and I set out on a long day. First we were to participate in an Easter parade. Somehow there was a mixup and only three foster families (including us) showed up, but oh well. It was still fun, and it was Fielder's best friends so we didn't mind at all. Thanks to Missy for the ride and thanks to Johnny for decorating Fielder's jacket with very feminine flowers.

Whim, Yukon, Fielder and Tetley

Whim and Fielder

Tetley and Yukon

After that, we dropped by to visit Shammy, the toy poodle we used to babysit. He is now I think 13 years old, and very old and gray. But he still remembered us and was hyperventilating with excitedness :) (sorry no pictures)

And THEN me and the famjam went to our friends' house for dinner and to visit their brand new, 8 week old Newfie Dallas (he is a Landseer, which is why he is patchy and not all black like probably most of the Newfies you see). He is ADORABLE and he and Fielder played together well. The most exciting part of the night was the finding of a dead squirrel in the garden. It wasn't even JUST a dead squirrel- apparently a fox or something had eaten it, and regurgitated it up INSIDE OUT so that the fur was on the inside and the skin was like a nice little saranwrap over it. So of course I did the one thing I know you guys would do too- pushed my friend Kimmy towards it while we were both bent over examining it and laughing hysterically as she screamed and probably had a minor heart attack.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Who, Me?

Happy Good Friday and four day weekend everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chocolatey Sleepover :)

On Sunday afternoon, Missy brought Tetley (fcl, a year old) for a sleepover. She came to school with me the next day, and was a huge hit. In fact, many people said they liked her more than Fielder.....meanies. We also got a lot more jumping and screaming than usual, and a lot more "Why is she wearing a muzzle? Is she going to bite me?" Yeah, my guide dog puppy in training is going to bite you, you jerk. In fact, I wish I COULD train her to bite you. But anyways.

Fielder and Tetley had a lovely time together, tearing through the house and trying to kill each other. He was a little jealous when he realized he wasn't the one leaving with me, but was okay when we came home. Then Missy came with Yukon (mcl, 13 weeks, Ribbon's brother)to pick Tetley up and the three dogs had a nice play. Notice in the pictures that 3 month old Yukon is the same size as 7 month old Fielder.

Yukon and Fielder

Tetley and Fielder

Anyone else find it insanely hilarious that a chocolalate lab is eating a 'chocolate' cookie? hahaha

Tetley in music (using Alex's foot as a pillow)

Me and Tetley in front of school (sicky school uniform)

Yukon, Fielder and Tetley (weird, Fielder looks so much bigger than Yukon)